Monday, February 18, 2013

It Is All In The Details

Here is some eye candy for you all. It is the details that makes something special. Be sure to add that little bit of extra in all that you create.
Monica Roberts Collection

Recycled Denim Jacket


A Piece of Vintage-Verbena Nested Treasures

Lovely Piece of Crazy Quilting

Magnolia Pearl

House of Worth



Sunday, February 17, 2013

Creating Balance

Life is wonderful.
(source of picture unknown)
     I use to be in the "work long days-work my day off-work at home" state of mind when I was in retail as a store manager. I loved my work. I lived, ate, and slept my job. When it was time to redo the floorset, I could lay in bed at night and clearly picture every rack and every cabinet and every wall of my store. I knew what clothing was on each rack and every section of each wall, in my mind. I would rearrange the layout in my head while I headed to sleep. I knew exactly what was in my back stock room. I kept a legal pad of paper beside my bed to jot down my ideas through the night. It was my life, my world and it was my mind. I was what I perceived as happy.
     But, it wasn't ok. I know that now. I lived in 5 towns/cities in 3 states in 10 years and the only people I knew were the people I worked with. We were friends in the store, but never went out anywhere. I didn't make time to meet new people. I never visited all the wonderful sights in the new towns I moved to. I didn't take the opportunity to experience the great music/theater/entertainment culture that was offered in Charlotte, St Louis, Wilmington. I passed on Blues Festivals, Folk Festivals, concerts of musicians I loved, Renaissance Fairs, County Fairs. By the time my day was done, I was pretty tired. By the time a day off came, if I took it, I needed to do laundry, groceries, and sleep. Although many of my days off were doing paperwork for the store. It was nice and quiet at home and I could think better. I couldn't even tell you what were good restaurants in my town/city, because I hadn't ventured out.
     Most of you will know the outcome of a life like that. Yup, I burned myself out. What made things a little harder was as I felt the burn out, an emotional tragic event shocked my world as well. When the dust settled a little and I could see clearly again, I found that I could really "see". Life was too short to spend it like I was. That was when I jumped off the cliff and quit my secure decent paying job and started Simply Rebecca Studios. But, this time I know there has to be balance in my life. I need to enjoy the life that is around me. I need to explore. I need to meet new people, soaking up their energy. I need to take time for rest and quiet. I need to dream again. And I need to be ok with feeling emotion.
      I am happy with letting the business evolve at a steady pace, each step moving forward. Stress is a killer and I don't want to live that life again. It gets you nowhere and offers you nothing in return. But, I must also know that the pendulum can swing the other way. I can become lazy and not reach far enough. And it has happened; I have had to have a nice talk with myself and reign myself back in. Balance...that is the key. It isn't easy to find that balance and it won't always be there. The great thing is that I know it now. I know that life is wonderful if you remember to live it.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Happy Customer

    Well hello there. I have missed you all. I hope your days have been filled with creative thoughts and lots of smiles. We are sitting here waiting for a big winter storm in the Northeast. It looks like it will be the first big one of the year. Not too bad a winter that is for sure. Even though it is just February, my thoughts are to Spring, because I know it is just around the corner. The days are a little bit longer now, with daylight still peeking through until 5:45. Every day will get better and better. It is time to start the seedlings. I have decided to start tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers, then a bunch of flowers this year. I also want to just toss packets of all kinds of flowers into an area in the yard and see what it brings. I love surprises, don't you?
     I wanted to share with you pictures of the little 18 inch boy doll I dressed for a customer. He has a white cotton underwear romper, then his antique cotton short sleeve shirt with the antique lace panel. His knickers are dark navy wool, actually from a piece of old Navy pants. The eton jacket is wool and lined with taffeta. And the cap is the same Navy wool and lined with taffeta. The woman I sew for will make him some knee high socks and red leather shoes. Then it will be given to the customer. I always worry as to how things will come out and then I'm so pleased at the end. She was quite happy herself.
    A Victorian Eastlake doll bed that needs bedding is the next project on the table. Then there are two customer requests in the discussion stage. I have been thinking through new ideas and making some choices in how I see my business. I will be excited to share everything with you as it all progresses.
     Here are a couple pictures of my little boy doll. (He should have a name, don't you think? ) Have a fabulous day and be sure to tell someone you love them.