So many times in life we think we have finally found a path to our happiness or our success. Sometimes the path isn't straight and sometimes it branches off. We either take those branches and give them a try or we stay true to the course. Many times taking that side route is a bonus and you are blessed with new adventures or new enlightenments. Sometimes it is the wrong direction and we have to find our way back to the straight path again. Which is just fine. Then there are those times that there is a bump in the road, a rock or maybe even a mountain blocking your way. Those are the times that are the hardest. We have to stop for a moment. This is when we question our way, question ourselves and ask why. That voice inside that told you this was the right path is still there, but tiny now. It won't let go, than goodness, but the bigger voice is doubt and confusion and maybe sadness. We need to acknowledge that bigger voice. Let it be heard. It is really ok, because it will make you take stock in where you have been and where you want to be. The secret is not to let the voice be too loud for too long. If you do, soon it will be the only voice you hear and you will become stagnant. You will loose your drive, your motivation. Your enthusiasm will wane and sadness will take over. Then you have truly lost your way. If you truly believe in what you are doing, what path your are on; then find a way to move that rock or go around that mountain. It might take a lot of work and maybe some creative ingenuity. And you might have to take a side road for a little while. But, stay firm and keep believing that you will continue on and not let the bigger voice lay roots.
I am on the side road right now. I have happily become the caretaker to my elderly dad. My days are filled with making sure he is happy and comfortable. It just seems right that I had him first, because I was the first born and now I get him in his last days. It is a blessing. It has been an adjustment for both of us, but things are getting into somewhat of a routine.
This side road isn't without its obstacles. When I doubt and question I am answered quickly with hints and signs that I am still heading in the right direction. I still believe in Simply Rebecca Studios. I know it will be successful and will make me happy thru the rest of my life. I just have to accept that I need to do things a little differently and a little slower maybe. But, I can still sew and I can still create and I can still make my clients happy. And I need to remind myself that this is a temporary fork in the road that will lead me back to the main path once again.
This morning I was happy to find two of these "signs' waiting for me on my Facebook page. I want to share them with you, because they might just be what one or two of you need this morning as well. Remember, if you truly believe in what you are doing, then keep fighting for it. It is difficult because it is worth it. And keep your eyes open for the signs or hints that you are doing ok, that this is the right path.
Wishing you a fabulous day.
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